Thursday, 15 May 2014

Planning: Rough design of Pages

After researching magazines is then constructed sketch version of my magazine pages, with a basic outline and colour scheme I used the typical codes and conventions and decided against certain theory’s such as the males gaze. this is a basic first step[towards constructing my ,magazine I  know I will change and develop my idea into a final design which will be a lot more professional and appealing to my audience.






Friday, 9 May 2014

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Preliminary Task

Final Magazine 

Looking back at my preliminary task I can see the difference from my final magazine pages, they have been constructed in much more professional way whereas my first newsletter is at a much lower standard  due to the fact that I had done little research into my target audience when making my primary task I also  didn’t not know the codes and conventions which help to structure a magazine to make it look professional, therefore it does not look as good as the end result where I had done a lot of react; existing text, surveys and focus groups.

 I can now see the impotence of the research and planning process in this project as taking in to account both magazines I can see that by researching into my audiences I gained a lot of information of their like and dislikes, hobbies, dreams and aspiration, this allowed me to construct my magazine to  appeal to them, and therefore entice them to buy my magazine. However as I did little research when constructing my preliminary  task you can tell I have not appealed to my audience therefore they cannot identify my newsletter or feel connected therefore they will not be attracted to buy it.

I have also learnt the importance of code and conventions as I researched existing text I could see what was needed to create a professional and recognizable brand. The way a magazine is coded is extremely important as it reflects the target demographic and if it does not apparel to them they wont feel connected or identify the brand therefore will not buy my product. With my preliminary task I did little research into codes and convention therefore the newsletter is boring and not exciting I have not used any theory’s such as ’uses and gratification, or Maslow’s hierarchy of needs’ therefore it will not attract  my audience.

By not adding theory’s such as; Maslow’s hierarchy  I could not find out my audiences want and desires also their  dreams and aspirations therefore I was not able to appeal to that audience as I did not know what they like. In my preliminary task I did not use Photoshop therefore my newsletter quality of professionalism is at a low slandered compared to my final magazine.

Through the use of extensive research and planning I was able to create a professional magazine as I was able to find out information on my audience and also on how to construct magazine by using theories and codes and conventions

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In order to research my target audience it was a lot easier to conduct my survey through an online website called QuestionPro, which is an online questionnaire site which allows me to get a varied response from my targeted audience . By using QuestionPro it is a lot my useful and less time consume compared to writing my question out and asking people individually my results would not be as detailed or as varied. I could also use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter I was able to target my told directly   has a lot of benefits one is that I can reduce audience fragmentation as Facebook can find my specific target audience and ask them. Also with social media site being extremely popular to young people I can get a large response  within my age group and demographic. With the increase of people using smart phone I can take advantage of this and create apps to promotes my magazine also I can use my website to advertise and distribute my magazine.

I used Adobe Photoshop to edit my images, and construct mty pages. However as my images are not in line with the male gaze I have not used a great deal of Photoshop as I did not want my images to be hyper- real. However I have used Photoshop for my front cover images. This was my fist time using  the soft ware, at first it was extremely tricky however I then got used to it.
Front cover image

 As you can see in my first image I used a clone tool, to reduce my models lines under her eyes to make her more appealing on my magazine, I also removed her blemishes and made her skin clear. Although I did not want create hyper-real images I still needed to reduce small blemishes, or frown lines so she would therefore look more appealing on my front cover. As you can see in my second mage I am adding a union jack flag to represent the artists background and achievement for her country. I did this by duplicating the layers and merging the flag on to the image.  I also whitened the eyes using   the dodge tool to create a more sharp look.

As you can see here I change my front cover due to the fact that before there was to much going it looked ‘busy’ therefore this would not attract my audience as they would not feel a connection to my magazine as it would become to confusing I therefore reduced the amount of feature storeys to make it look less ‘busy’. I made ‘Hannah Reid’ the focus point whiting my front cover with a banner going across her name this communicate with my audience  as it tells them that she is featured in my magazine this is a common cod as she is the main artist throughout my magazine .

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

When attracting my audience I used strong images of woman which represented them in a powerful and successful way therefore my audience aspired to be like them, I did not want my audience to aspire to hyper real images to apposed to real images my audience are to intelligent to fanaticise over fake hyper real images of woman been represented in a weak and vulnerable way. I used images of artists that where successful and have achieved a lot in there career therefore my audience will aspire to be as successful as they are. when choosing my images I had in mind Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs as I wanted my audience to aspire and dream to he as successfully as my artists as they would therefore buy my magazine.

When constructing my magazine front cover I need to attract my audience otherwise they would not want to bye my magazine, I did this by adding additional free gig tickets which had to be acceded by going on to our website this creates synergy as  am promoting my website and also the bands creating a mutually beneficial relationship also I gave my reader more chances to win prices by going on to are social media site on Facebook creating exchange as my readers will comment and update status. I also added in free gift such as posters and headphone to attract my reader to by the magazine.

As I have encouraged my audience too visit other media platform sites such as Facebook and Twitter I have prevented audience fragmentation and ai am also creating exchange as my audience will comment, statuses updates and view my blogs therefore they are advertising my magazine and creating more attention towards it.

I addressed my audience by adding feature storeys that fit my target demographic I got this information from my audience profile. By adding in exciting stories that would grab there attention such as ‘Oasis Reunion?’ this would excite my audience  as that is a big revealing story it make them want to bye my magazine to find out the latest .

I have put another web address for my magazines online website on my front page of my magazine to allow my reader to identify with my brand. By adding the union jack in the background of my magazine it shows that my artists is British  therefore my target demographic identify with my magazine and feel connected  towards it and the artists, therefore I am addressing my reader.

I interpreted the uses and gratification theory when trying to attract my audience as I entertained my audience with buzz words such as ‘ exclusive’  to excite them.  This also creates socal interraction as the word exslucive suggest that there is a secrete within my magazine which will entice my reader as the willl want to find out more

i also attracted my audience by using lots of images on my contents page and exciting story's to make them want to read on, such as exciting festival gossip and headlines at Reading and Leeds. Hannah Reid is featuring from my front cover and continuing to feature in my contents page this familiarises my audience this attractthem as the will be excited to find out more.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Throughout the research and planning process I was unsure on what gender to target my magazine at  I always new I was going to chooses a demographic between 17-21 however I was unsure at what gender to target my magazine. To help me come to a decision I created a question online called QuestionPro and asked my target demographic certain questions to help come to a conclusion at what gender I was going to target my audience at.

I came to the decision that I was going to target my magazine at young females aged between 7-21 who are into Indie music I decide to do this due to the fact that magazine like NME and Q are pronominally aimed at men therefore I seen a gape in the market for females who come under the same mode of address as the NME but feel like there is know magazine targeted for them. From the results from my questionnaire I could create a Audience Profile this includes my targeted audiences likes and dislikes, hobbies and what they are in to. Also there dreams and aspirations which allowed me to have knowledge of there demographic helping  me to create the right mode of address for my magazine.


My audience profile contests of information about my target audience as well as images of their interest such as fashion, music and festivals. As you can see my magazine is predominantly aimed at females with the fashion aspect on my audience profile however it still fits my mode of address with bands like Oasis, and Pink Floyd therefore not making it to girly. Also the clothes are rebellious clothing such as the Dms which where worn in the punk era therefore creating a since of youth and rebellion running through my magazine . As my target audience are aged  between 17-21 most of whom are still in a from of education which means they are poor student my magazine cannot be to expensive. Therefore I am pricing it around £2  I think that this is a reasonable price and most of my audience will be able to afford it. I also found out my audiences dreams and aspirations; they want to succeed  in life and be successful and they aspire musical or fashionably I can therefore convey theses dreams throughout my magazine therefore my audience will want to buy my magazine as they will closer to their dreams. I also found that within my magazine I should interpret strength and power through either images or the written text, when representing woman as my audience can aspire to be like them rather than representing woman in a weak way and in line with the male gaze.

My audience profile represents music, as that is a main factor of my magazine the music will not be mainstream as my demographic are not mainstreamers however the magazine will also feature some stories on fashion and festivals. Which fits my mode of address as I am appealing to a female audience.

3. What kind of media institution will distribute your media product?

For my magazine to become successful I will need to distribute my magazine to the right media distribution companies as this will determine, my magazines popularity and sale. I will use a multiplatform approach to distribute my magazine as I can promote my magazine through different distribution platforms these include; digitals technology such as social media, apps and a website I can also use old media such as distribution companies these include the Uks  two major publishing houses:
EMAP (East Midland Allied Press) and IPC (International Publishing Corporation). I can also use self publishers and independent publishing houses. Both the IPC and EMAP  are renowned for specialising in mainstream magazines as well as aiming niche audience these magazines include; The NME, Cosmopolitan and InStyle.

I am going to use a major publishing house to distribute my magazine such such as the IPC as they are horizontally and vertically integrated which means they have a lot of power in the distribution industry this company follows Karl Marc’s theory  ‘Power resides with those who have ownership and control of the means of production and distribution' therefore my magazine can benefit from this company as I can use other distribution platform that they may own which will make my product more known therefore increasing the sales. I have also chosen the IPC due to the fact that they distribute the NME who have the same target audience as my magazine therefore the IPC will know how to attract my audience demagogic. Also the NME and my magazine can advertise each other creating synergy as we are both promoting are magazine therefore we will have a  mutually beneficial relationship.

Independent publishing house focus usually on magazine that target a small nice audience the magazines are usually considered boutique as they are high end. Such as the ‘The Church of London’ who publish ‘Little Whit Lies’ these publishing house lacks recourse and money therefore I will not be using as I feel I will not be able to benefit as much as I could from a major publishing house also my audience is to wide and its not niche enough.

Self-publishing is the form of making the magazine yourself and publishing your own work independently an example of this is Sniffin' Glue;  is the name of a monthly punk zine started by Mark Perry in July 1976 and released for about a year it became extremely popular. However they also lack resources which would mean that my magazine would not become popular of advertise therefore this publishing house will not be effective.

I can also distribute my magazine thought digital technology on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter this has a lot of benefits one is that I can reduce audience fragmentation as Facebook can find my specific target audience and advertise  my magazine to them. Also with social media site being extremely popular to young people I can promote it to a large number of people within my age group. With the increase of people using smart phone I can take advantage of this and create apps to promotes my magazine also I can use my website to advertise and distribute my magazine.

The publishing house that I am going to use to publish my magazine is a major publishing house due to the fact that they have a lot of rescores I can take advantage of the multi platform which they own and I can use them to promote and disabuse my magazine there making it a success.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media products represents young teenage groups, my magazine is to info my reader and also entertain them. Throughout my planning and research I wanted to construct a magazine like the NME the social group they targets is white British males aged between 17-25 who are into indie music. However as I researched further I change my decision and  decided to change the whole concept of my magazine. I change the social grope to females aged between 17-21 I did this due to the fact that there was a niche  market as there is know magazine on sale that targets young females who are into indie music.

I went against the  stereotypical teenager, as I believe they are portrayed in a bad light; hoddies, swearing vandalism. Instead I showed them achieving something in their life with new up coming young bands articles.

By the use of Photoshop it create a hyper reality world Air brushing creates a hyper real perception of images. Which enhances the beauty of woman. Therefore young girls aspire too look like someone who has enhanced beauty. This before and after shot of Jessica Alba shows her chest being enhanced and her waste being cut down to make her look slimmer and her shoulders have cut off so they don’t look as masculine this has been done so she look more appealing and sexual for men also so woman can aspire to look like her. This body is not natural and his impossible for woman to look this way however young girls will still aspire to look this way this is a very controversial issue due to the fact that anxious is in creasing within the social groups of young girls. Therefore I have gone against the male gaze and not phtotshopping my female models, I wanted all types of girls to feel they could connect and relate with my female models in my magazine

Marxist feminist flovent psychoanalytic theory  is apart of the male gaze theory it explains how women are  photographed in a way that objectifies and makes them asexual object towards men . Laura Mulvey argued that the spectator (and therefore the camera) is a male and derives visual pleasure from a dominant, voyeuristic perspective. She argued that cinema inevitably puts the spectator in a masculine position, with the figure of the women on a screen as a object of desire. Women are photographed in a way that objectifies them. The frame of the camera cuts the women into parts which identify of represent the subject purely by attractiveness to men for example only showing legs or a woman lips.

In class we did an experiment were trying to discover if girls at a young age (12), where influenced by the ideology that woman are submissive and men are dominant this reinforce the theory of The Male Gaze. We also wanted to see if the year sevens thought the most beautiful woman where the ones that were  in line with the male gaze for example being cut into sexual frames which objectify them and make them look weaker. Also we were trying to find out where the girls would have placed the woman who didn’t follow the male gaze for example not wearing any make-up and not being objectified by being cut out in to shapes. Which therefore makes them look stronger and more dominant. The girls put these pictures of woman in this order, the females with more make up were first or the woman who were shot inline with the male gaze were also first and the females with little or no make up came last.

In are conclusion we found that young girls are influenced by the ideology that women look more beautiful if they are shown as sexual objects and look weak. Therefore society see woman as objects to be desired by men which reinforces the theory of the male gaze. Girls as young as twelve like to see woman as weak and as an object even though they have know knowledge to this. Therefore according to Maslow’s higharcy of needs people aspire to be the hyper version of real people. However  my social group are not girly girls therefore airbrushing my images would not fit my mode of address and I also don’t believe in shooting woman in line with the male gaze as it represents them in a sexually and weak way which is degrading and wrong.

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Mostly all magazines follow conventions however they can be challenged. A Conventions is a  form which is follows typical aspects and dose not usually challenge them. the codes and convention for a magazine are; mastheads, barcodes, banners, main images, cover stories and feature story’s.  By following the codes and convention it allows the audience to identify with the product  creating a brand awareness it also familiarise the product with the reader therefore making it easier to navigate. However more controversial magazines will brake the codes and convention as their readers are seen to be more rebellious therefore by braking the cods they are breaking the rules which is appealing to there mode of address.

The NME is an example of music magazine that challenges thee codes and convention. The NME use photography that are not professional  or manufactured looking, the pictures look like they have been taken at a gig this however will appeal to their audience as they enjoy going to gigs. Also the artist of  group on the front cover don’t look smart of professional. This is done so the audience can connect with the artist as the target audience is young males who are not smartly dressed or professional people.  The cover store's are typically coded to be in a line on the left and right hand side of the page whereas the NME are at the bottom of the page. By breaking the cod and conventions they are applying to there target audience  which are white British males who are quite rebellious them selves  therefore they like to break the rules.

 Magazine such as 'GLAMOUR' and also CoverGilrl campaigns follow the cods as their female models are airbrushed and the images are extremely professional and manufactured they know that young girls and woman aspire  to look like their hyper- real images of woman  as this follows Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory as they are dreaming and aspiring to look like something they can never look like as it is not real.  Therefore this magazines  cods and conventions help sell their product.

My music magazine is similar to the NME however I have targeted it at a female audience as there is a gap in the market for young girls aged between 17-21 who are in to Indie music as most magazine that appeal to guitar based music are predominantly targeted at males. My magazine follows the codes and conventions however I have challenged some cods as I wanted to have some aspect of the NME as my audience are still partially under this target demographic.  A code I challenge was my main images on my front over. The artist  Hannah Reid is not looking directly into the camera this is breaking the typical codes as it breaks direct address. I did this as I like the way she is looking into the distance which represent the future and the success that she will achieve, therefore my target audience can aspire and achieve this goal which will make them want to bye my magazine as they will feel like they are buying their dream when buying my magazine. I also did not dress my model in reveling clothing as I believe this degrades woman I  wanted to represent her in a non-sexual way  as I wanted my audience to know Hannah Reid for her amazing singing and achievements  not for her body or looks.

Lot of woman are shot line with the male gaze this code is extremely common  and controversial. If a woman model, actress or singer is on the front of a magazine she is usually in line with the male gaze this could mean she is showing a lot skin, or exposing her body parts, standing or posing in a sexual position which makes her look weak or vulnerable. Cheryl Cole on the front cover of Q  magazine is inline with the male gaze she is licking her finger this has sexually connotation therefore she is being represented  as a sexual object who is only good for pleasing a man. therefore cods can  account for the way males and females are represented through the media.

Also this woman This woman is posing in a sexual position therefore she is being represented as a sexual object she is in line with the male gaze. the woman also looks submissive and weak which gives me impression that men are the dominate sex and woman are vulnerable. As my model for my magazine is not in a weak or submissive position I have represented her in a strong and powerful way.

Another way I challenged the forms and conventions of real media products is by not air brushing my images in my  double page spread. Air brushing creates a hyper real perception of images. Which enhances the beauty of woman. I did  not use Photoshop  due to the fact that I didn't want my audience to aspire to look like my artist and feel like they had to be perfect when in fact that is not the real them. Also my target audience are not girly girls therefore airbrushing my images would not fit within my mode of address.

When developing and constructing my magazine I mostly developed my media product by using the forms and conventions from real media products. My front page for my magazine follows a lot of the conventions for a typical music magazine. The masthead is in the top left hand of the page  this is a convention I didn't want to break as I still wanted my audience to recognize the brand therefore making it easier to connecting with them, also the name of my magazine is ‘VERVE‘ my audience can identify to this as The Verve are British Indie band therefore keeping my brand identity and appealing  to my target audience.  Another cod I did not challenge was banners which run throughout my pages, it allows my audience to know what special offers are available in the magazine and also on are website. I created a small anchor in the top right hand of the page to persuade my audience to visit my website to download a free track this promotes exchange because the fans need to be following us on social media site first creating a community. I am also creating synergy as the magazine comes with the fee code needed inside .

My cover story and feature stories follow aspects of the NME as they are scatted around the page whereas conventionally they are lined up on the left and right hand side of the page. I did this due to the fact that my target audience can relate to this magazine as they can identify it with the NME. My typography is quite plane and simple which fit my target demographic as it is similar to other indie music magazines. Also by the use of typography I could convey the importance of the artist  who  features the most for example Hannah Reid was written a bigger writing compared to the rest of the typography on the page as she is the main artist  in my magazine  therefore my audience are aware who the magazine is about.  As the typography is quite plain and soft it allows my audience to feel relaxed therefore they an enjoy it more. I used buzz words like ‘WOW, FREE, EXSLCUIVE’ to entertain my audience and make my magazine stand out therefore making my reader wont to buy it.  My front cover uses the ‘uses and gratification theory’ as I informed my audience of story’s  such us up coming gigs and events.

My colour scheme is red, purple black I choose these colours as it is similar to the NME  however the purple is used to convey that my magazine is targeted at females who are into this demographic however as it is not girly it also conveys that my magazine appeals to indie music. I also have the British flag as the background image on my front page enforcing patriotism  I did this due to the fact that my magazine will mostly represent British independent band , which my target audience will be able to relate to as they like this music.

Men and woman are resented extremely different in the eye of the media due to the  representation  of different dreams and aspirations for example men represent power and money in the business world whereas woman are represented in a sexual way to appeal to men and other woman who aspire to look like them.  therefore the way a magazine is cods it can account for the way males and females are represented through the media. therefore I have to be very careful in the way i have coded my magazine as I did not want to represent woman in a sexual or weak way. I also need to be careful when taking pictures of my model as to make sure not to shoot my model line with the male gaze, as this would represent her in a weak or sexual way.


I chose this image for my contents page as it represents Hannah Reid in a strong way as she is not in line with the male gaze therefore my audience an aspire to be here as she locks very strong, powerful and successful.  I also chose this image as it looks the most attractive compared to the rest also  the lighting  is better quality  than the rest.
I choses this images as I felt it fitted my demographic for my magazine the best due to the fact that Hannah Reid is looking attractive but yet confidant as she is not in a week position therefore she is not in line with the males gaze, my audience can relate to my artist as she is being represents in a successful way.

When taking my pictures I needed to take into account of the hazards that could occur when taking my images such as lose wires and someone could trip over I also needed to prepare for my photo shoot and check the weather forecast so I knew if the sun would be shining therefore my pictures come out with better quality of lighting, I also needed d to make sure it was not raining .

Monday, 5 May 2014


After creating my templates I need find out what my target audience preferred out of my front page, contents page and double page spread. In order to do this I  have conducted a focus group with 8 people who fit my demographic. By conducting a focus group it will help me get an understanding of how to construct my magazine to appeal to my demographic so they therefore purchases my magazine. I asked my target audience six questions which I have produced in order to get the best results. After I evaluated the results and thought through each design template and came to a desion on how to construct my pages whilst appealing to my target audience .

The first question I asked in the focus group was what there personal opinion was, on my front cover design and to give me some feed back. The most popular desing was  this templates, with a red, purple, and black colour scheme. As I am targeting my magazine at females the focus grope felt that these colours best suited  my demographic  rather than the dark blue and black. The first question I asked the focus group was ‘if these 4 templates where a music magazine front cover would you buy this magazine’ the response I got was positive as most people said ‘yes I would buy this magazine as I like the colours’ also most of them agreed that would be intrigued of who is on my front cover due to the fact that the model is not in line with the male gaze therefore she looks powerful and successful this reinforces the idea of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs as my audience aspire to be as successful  as my artists on my front cover which gives me the idea of their demographic that best fits there dreams.  However they did not like the template with the male on the front as they said it was similar to the NME which is to masculine. I then came to the decision  that I was going to target my magazine at females. with the other two templates the focus grope agreed that thee was to much going on with all the feature stories.

Contents Pages

I then moved on to my contents pages, I again asked them to give me their personal opinion on my page design. As the grope liked the colour scheme from my front cover (red , purple and black ) this is due to the fact that they were starting to identify my product.  I asked them If they preferred less images like the blue and dark contents pages or more images like this one the said the preferred more images and it makes it more interesting and easier to navigate around the contents page. They felt that the other contents pages where to dull and lifestyle and lacked interment and excitement compared to the one they preferred . They also said that the colour the theme is to dark. I also asked them if ‘ the main artist that was on my front cover should be the main pictures in the contents page they all agreed and said ‘ yes I think the main artists should be the main image as it makes the reader want to read further into the magazine. They also said that ‘the picture should mean something to the reader’ therefore I need to appeal to my audience and make sure what I feature in my magazine is meaningful and interesting to that demographic.

I have come to the con that  am going to use a lot of images as it’s a more interesting way to present information to my audience rather than a lot of writing on the page the focus group said it is also easier for them to navigate around the page.

Double Page Spread
Lastly I asked my target group to give their personal feedback on my double page spread templates I got the same resonance that they liked the colour scheme red, purple and black which has continued  throughout my front cover, and contents page. They said they liked the idea of my main artist on the double page spread and the was I have designed  it to look like a collage ‘its seems more realistic than a ordinary picture also making it more interesting to lock at’ making the audience want to read the article. They also gave me some good feed back which was to add an additional  story that was not relevant to that artists therefore I am going to add ’Albums of the Week’  adding more varied information to the page. 

Friday, 2 May 2014

My Magazine- Double Page Spread

My Magazine- Contents Page

My Magazine- Front Page


Research- Annotations of Existing Text

Front Cover- Q Magazine 

Front Cover- NME Magazine 
Front cover the NME and Q are similar magazines as they target similar audiences and demographics, which is males/females aged between 17-25. However Q magazine has a wider music rage that is represent throughout its magazine whereas the NME predominately represents guitar- indie based music and artist.

As Q magazine has a wider and more mainstream audience than the NME it has represented there artist (Cheryl Cole) in  line with the male gaze to appeal to all there audience. She is being represented as sexual desire to men. Due to the fact that; Cheryl Cole is looking directly into the camera therefore she is creating direct address which makes her look extremely strong and sexy. By licking her ring she is viewed in a sexual way and has become desirable to men therefore she is in line with the male gaze . Female fans will aspire to be sexually confidant like her and to the power that she has over men. Also she will attract male readers to the magazine as they are sexually attracted to her.  Throughout my research process I have found that the NME hardly ever represent woman as sexual objects or in line with the male gaze, as there audience aspire to achieve the success of the artist rather than looking like them.  Florence has been represented as a strong female as she is looking directly in to the camera representing her in a confidant way, also she is not showing any flesh or her body therefore she is not being viewed as a sexual object. The image is an extreme close up which conveys a meaning of achievement and success and she is not does not need her body to hide behind. Therefore as I am constructed my magazine similar to the NME I have decided to follow their convention and not represent woman in line with them male gaze.

Both the NME and Q magazine have the same conventions and they have coded them to represent a rock ‘n’ roll theme throughout the magazines. However the NMEs typography is more plain and simple as it allows Florence to shine through and stand out,  whereas the typography in Q magazine is big and bold which portrays a more rock ‘n’ roll theme running throughout the front cover. Both magazine banners are advertising there magazine instead of the artist inside the magazine . Q says e ‘The UKs biggest music magazine’ NME- ‘Introducing the NME 2 of 10 special cover’. This is unusual as normally magazine banners promote what in the magazine to inform the reader. 

The Vibe- Contents page

Contents Page- Q Magazine 

Both Vibe and The NME contents page are targeted at very different demographics. VIBE magazine is targeted at young teenagers pronominally black males who are into R&B. whereas Q magazine is targeted at teens who are white and into a range of music but predominately indie music. However both contents pages do the same job they are designed to navigate the reader around the page in a easy but interesting way, and still keeping the brand identity the whole way through allowing the reader to feel connected to the magazine. They do this with the use of text, as well as images however each magazine differs due to the fact that they 
have different demographics.

Within Vibe and Q contents page they have continued their 3 colour scheme which allows the reader to recognise the brand. However both contents pages have different colour schemes as they need to appeal to their target audience and fit their mode of address.  Q and Vibe have chosen one main image on their contents pages rather than a lots of different images. It allow the feature artist to stand out. Q magazine has a review section which keeps the reader interested whereas the features section gives the reader a sense of sensibility as they can identify it.

The biggest image whining the contents page  relates  to the front cover as well as  the double page spread. This is due to the fact that this artist is the main selling point for that moths/week’s issue of the magazine. Alongside the images in the contents pages there are anchors which are in place to give the image meaning and to inform the reader what that image is about. Also it gives information on where to find this particular story. This a common conventions within contents pages.

Vibe magazine has shot their female model in line with the male gaze  to attract there male demographic as they will be sexual attracted to the model. However the NMEs main image is of 4 males  who standing on a hill as they are at a high potion they look strong representing men as the stronger sex. Therefore by the different cods in each magazine the representation of gender can change. 

Double page- Q Magazine

Double page Spread- The NME 

Double Page Spread-The NME 

Within Q magazine and the NMEs  double page spread you can notice that they are targeted at different demographics by the way they are coded. Q magazine is aimed at a more sophisticated audience this is represented through the main mage of Lady Gaga as the image is in black and white it creates and expensive representation therefore this suggest that the demographic are intelligent. Whereas the NME has a younger audience and tries to appeal to them with sexual innuendos and  rebellious artists such as Lily Allen

Both Q and NME double page spreads are is dominated by one main image, however the radar page of the NME has other little images informing the audience of new artists. Q magazine does not need other images as the Lady Gaga image is strong enough on its own as it is in line with the male gaze however Lady Gaga nudity is conveyed in a way which is modest and fashiabe as she is wearing the necklaces around her neck. Therefore she is represented in a sexual but powerful way. The NME have played up to the stereotypes of the teenage boy but shooting  them on a bed behind posters of woman showing flesh this represents them as sexually curious. Also the room is messy this shows that they are going against their parents by not tiding there room therefore representing them In a rebellious way.

By representing Lily Allen as rebel this fits into the target demographic of the NME as stereotypically people who listen to indie/rock ’n’ roll  music are seen as rebellious or naughty teens therefore appealing to their audience.

Q magazines double page spread has known title this is unusual however the large ‘L’ has replaced the title linking the artists initials within the article, as the ‘L’ has a red tint it reinforces the magazines brand identity and familiarises the reader. .

All three double page spreads follow the typical conventions such as; columns, main image, quotes, and heading. By following the conventions it creates a brand identity which the reader can  relate to therefore feeling a connection to the brand.