Friday, 9 May 2014

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In order to research my target audience it was a lot easier to conduct my survey through an online website called QuestionPro, which is an online questionnaire site which allows me to get a varied response from my targeted audience . By using QuestionPro it is a lot my useful and less time consume compared to writing my question out and asking people individually my results would not be as detailed or as varied. I could also use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter I was able to target my told directly   has a lot of benefits one is that I can reduce audience fragmentation as Facebook can find my specific target audience and ask them. Also with social media site being extremely popular to young people I can get a large response  within my age group and demographic. With the increase of people using smart phone I can take advantage of this and create apps to promotes my magazine also I can use my website to advertise and distribute my magazine.

I used Adobe Photoshop to edit my images, and construct mty pages. However as my images are not in line with the male gaze I have not used a great deal of Photoshop as I did not want my images to be hyper- real. However I have used Photoshop for my front cover images. This was my fist time using  the soft ware, at first it was extremely tricky however I then got used to it.
Front cover image

 As you can see in my first image I used a clone tool, to reduce my models lines under her eyes to make her more appealing on my magazine, I also removed her blemishes and made her skin clear. Although I did not want create hyper-real images I still needed to reduce small blemishes, or frown lines so she would therefore look more appealing on my front cover. As you can see in my second mage I am adding a union jack flag to represent the artists background and achievement for her country. I did this by duplicating the layers and merging the flag on to the image.  I also whitened the eyes using   the dodge tool to create a more sharp look.

As you can see here I change my front cover due to the fact that before there was to much going it looked ‘busy’ therefore this would not attract my audience as they would not feel a connection to my magazine as it would become to confusing I therefore reduced the amount of feature storeys to make it look less ‘busy’. I made ‘Hannah Reid’ the focus point whiting my front cover with a banner going across her name this communicate with my audience  as it tells them that she is featured in my magazine this is a common cod as she is the main artist throughout my magazine .

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