Friday, 9 May 2014

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media products represents young teenage groups, my magazine is to info my reader and also entertain them. Throughout my planning and research I wanted to construct a magazine like the NME the social group they targets is white British males aged between 17-25 who are into indie music. However as I researched further I change my decision and  decided to change the whole concept of my magazine. I change the social grope to females aged between 17-21 I did this due to the fact that there was a niche  market as there is know magazine on sale that targets young females who are into indie music.

I went against the  stereotypical teenager, as I believe they are portrayed in a bad light; hoddies, swearing vandalism. Instead I showed them achieving something in their life with new up coming young bands articles.

By the use of Photoshop it create a hyper reality world Air brushing creates a hyper real perception of images. Which enhances the beauty of woman. Therefore young girls aspire too look like someone who has enhanced beauty. This before and after shot of Jessica Alba shows her chest being enhanced and her waste being cut down to make her look slimmer and her shoulders have cut off so they don’t look as masculine this has been done so she look more appealing and sexual for men also so woman can aspire to look like her. This body is not natural and his impossible for woman to look this way however young girls will still aspire to look this way this is a very controversial issue due to the fact that anxious is in creasing within the social groups of young girls. Therefore I have gone against the male gaze and not phtotshopping my female models, I wanted all types of girls to feel they could connect and relate with my female models in my magazine

Marxist feminist flovent psychoanalytic theory  is apart of the male gaze theory it explains how women are  photographed in a way that objectifies and makes them asexual object towards men . Laura Mulvey argued that the spectator (and therefore the camera) is a male and derives visual pleasure from a dominant, voyeuristic perspective. She argued that cinema inevitably puts the spectator in a masculine position, with the figure of the women on a screen as a object of desire. Women are photographed in a way that objectifies them. The frame of the camera cuts the women into parts which identify of represent the subject purely by attractiveness to men for example only showing legs or a woman lips.

In class we did an experiment were trying to discover if girls at a young age (12), where influenced by the ideology that woman are submissive and men are dominant this reinforce the theory of The Male Gaze. We also wanted to see if the year sevens thought the most beautiful woman where the ones that were  in line with the male gaze for example being cut into sexual frames which objectify them and make them look weaker. Also we were trying to find out where the girls would have placed the woman who didn’t follow the male gaze for example not wearing any make-up and not being objectified by being cut out in to shapes. Which therefore makes them look stronger and more dominant. The girls put these pictures of woman in this order, the females with more make up were first or the woman who were shot inline with the male gaze were also first and the females with little or no make up came last.

In are conclusion we found that young girls are influenced by the ideology that women look more beautiful if they are shown as sexual objects and look weak. Therefore society see woman as objects to be desired by men which reinforces the theory of the male gaze. Girls as young as twelve like to see woman as weak and as an object even though they have know knowledge to this. Therefore according to Maslow’s higharcy of needs people aspire to be the hyper version of real people. However  my social group are not girly girls therefore airbrushing my images would not fit my mode of address and I also don’t believe in shooting woman in line with the male gaze as it represents them in a sexually and weak way which is degrading and wrong.

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