Throughout the research and planning process I was unsure on what gender to target my magazine at I always new I was going to chooses a demographic between 17-21 however I was unsure at what gender to target my magazine. To help me come to a decision I created a question online called QuestionPro and asked my target demographic certain questions to help come to a conclusion at what gender I was going to target my audience at.
I came to the decision that I was going to target my magazine at young females aged between 7-21 who are into Indie music I decide to do this due to the fact that magazine like NME and Q are pronominally aimed at men therefore I seen a gape in the market for females who come under the same mode of address as the NME but feel like there is know magazine targeted for them. From the results from my questionnaire I could create a Audience Profile this includes my targeted audiences likes and dislikes, hobbies and what they are in to. Also there dreams and aspirations which allowed me to have knowledge of there demographic helping me to create the right mode of address for my magazine.
My audience profile contests of information about my target audience as well as images of their interest such as fashion, music and festivals. As you can see my magazine is predominantly aimed at females with the fashion aspect on my audience profile however it still fits my mode of address with bands like Oasis, and Pink Floyd therefore not making it to girly. Also the clothes are rebellious clothing such as the Dms which where worn in the punk era therefore creating a since of youth and rebellion running through my magazine . As my target audience are aged between 17-21 most of whom are still in a from of education which means they are poor student my magazine cannot be to expensive. Therefore I am pricing it around £2 I think that this is a reasonable price and most of my audience will be able to afford it. I also found out my audiences dreams and aspirations; they want to succeed in life and be successful and they aspire musical or fashionably I can therefore convey theses dreams throughout my magazine therefore my audience will want to buy my magazine as they will closer to their dreams. I also found that within my magazine I should interpret strength and power through either images or the written text, when representing woman as my audience can aspire to be like them rather than representing woman in a weak way and in line with the male gaze.
My audience profile represents music, as that is a main factor of my magazine the music will not be mainstream as my demographic are not mainstreamers however the magazine will also feature some stories on fashion and festivals. Which fits my mode of address as I am appealing to a female audience.
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