Front Cover- Q Magazine
Front Cover- NME Magazine
Front cover
the NME and Q are similar magazines as they target similar audiences and demographics,
which is males/females aged between 17-25. However Q magazine has a wider music
rage that is represent throughout its magazine whereas the NME predominately
represents guitar- indie based music and artist.
As Q
magazine has a wider and more mainstream audience than the NME it has
represented there artist (Cheryl Cole) in
line with the male gaze to appeal to all there audience. She is being
represented as sexual desire to men. Due to the fact that; Cheryl Cole is
looking directly into the camera therefore she is creating direct address which
makes her look extremely strong and sexy. By licking her ring she is viewed in
a sexual way and has become desirable to men therefore she is in line with the
male gaze . Female fans will aspire to be sexually confidant like her and to
the power that she has over men. Also she will attract male readers to the
magazine as they are sexually attracted to her. Throughout my research process I have found that
the NME hardly ever represent woman as sexual objects or in line with the male
gaze, as there audience aspire to achieve the success of the artist rather than
looking like them. Florence has been
represented as a strong female as she is looking directly in to the camera
representing her in a confidant way, also she is not showing any flesh or her
body therefore she is not being viewed as a sexual object. The image is an extreme
close up which conveys a meaning of achievement and success and she is not does
not need her body to hide behind. Therefore as I am constructed my magazine similar
to the NME I have decided to follow their convention and not represent woman in
line with them male gaze.
Both the NME
and Q magazine have the same conventions and they have coded them to represent
a rock ‘n’ roll theme throughout the magazines. However the NMEs typography is
more plain and simple as it allows Florence to shine through and stand out, whereas the typography in Q magazine is big
and bold which portrays a more rock ‘n’ roll theme running throughout the front
cover. Both magazine banners are advertising there magazine instead of the artist
inside the magazine . Q says e ‘The UKs biggest music magazine’ NME- ‘Introducing
the NME 2 of 10 special cover’. This is unusual as normally magazine banners promote
what in the magazine to inform the reader.
The Vibe- Contents page
Contents Page- Q Magazine
Both Vibe
and The NME contents page are targeted at very different demographics. VIBE
magazine is targeted at young teenagers pronominally black males who are into
R&B. whereas Q magazine is targeted at teens who are white and into a range
of music but predominately indie music. However both contents pages do the same
job they are designed to navigate the reader around the page in a easy but interesting
way, and still keeping the brand identity the whole way through allowing the
reader to feel connected to the magazine. They do this with the use of text, as
well as images however each magazine differs due to the fact that they
have different
Within Vibe and
Q contents page they have continued their 3 colour scheme which allows the
reader to recognise the brand. However both contents pages have different colour
schemes as they need to appeal to their target audience and fit their mode of address.
Q and Vibe have chosen one main image on
their contents pages rather than a lots of different images. It allow the
feature artist to stand out. Q magazine has a review section which keeps the
reader interested whereas the features section gives the reader a sense of sensibility
as they can identify it.
The biggest
image whining the contents page relates to the front cover as well as the double page spread. This is due to the
fact that this artist is the main selling point for that moths/week’s issue of
the magazine. Alongside the images in the contents pages there are anchors
which are in place to give the image meaning and to inform the reader what that
image is about. Also it gives information on where to find this particular story.
This a common conventions within contents pages.
magazine has shot their female model in line with the male gaze to attract there male demographic as they will
be sexual attracted to the model. However the NMEs main image is of 4 males who standing on a hill as they are at a high
potion they look strong representing men as the stronger sex. Therefore by the
different cods in each magazine the representation of gender can change.
Double page- Q Magazine
Double page Spread- The NME
Double Page Spread-The NME
Within Q magazine
and the NMEs double page spread you can notice
that they are targeted at different demographics by the way they are coded. Q
magazine is aimed at a more sophisticated audience this is represented through
the main mage of Lady Gaga as the image is in black and white it creates and expensive
representation therefore this suggest that the demographic are intelligent. Whereas
the NME has a younger audience and tries to appeal to them with sexual innuendos
and rebellious artists such as Lily Allen
Both Q and
NME double page spreads are is dominated by one main image, however the radar
page of the NME has other little images informing the audience of new artists. Q
magazine does not need other images as the Lady Gaga image is strong enough on
its own as it is in line with the male gaze however Lady Gaga nudity is conveyed
in a way which is modest and fashiabe as she is wearing the necklaces around
her neck. Therefore she is represented in a sexual but powerful way. The NME
have played up to the stereotypes of the teenage boy but shooting them on a bed behind posters of woman showing
flesh this represents them as sexually curious. Also the room is messy this shows
that they are going against their parents by not tiding there room therefore representing
them In a rebellious way.
By representing
Lily Allen as rebel this fits into the target demographic of the NME as stereotypically
people who listen to indie/rock ’n’ roll music are seen as rebellious or naughty teens therefore
appealing to their audience.
Q magazines
double page spread has known title this is unusual however the large ‘L’ has
replaced the title linking the artists initials within the article, as the ‘L’
has a red tint it reinforces the magazines brand identity and familiarises the
reader. .
All three
double page spreads follow the typical conventions such as; columns, main
image, quotes, and heading. By following the conventions it creates a brand
identity which the reader can relate to therefore
feeling a connection to the brand.
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